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I have chosen you
Sunday, Jan 01, 2023


A search committee is nominated
to evaluate and choose people
for a task or a company. They are
chosen based on their aptitude,
personality, peculiarities, etc. Beauty, caste, color, and money also play a major role in this choice. When a horse is chosen for a war, it is chosen based on its strength, appearance, stamina, etc. We must have been in the position to choose or be rejected when we were not up to the mark. The choices of the worldly can be disastrous.

However, God doesn’t evaluate us like worldly people. His choices are based solely on His love, faithfulness, and for His glory, not on anything inherent in ourselves. God sees the heart, not the face (our attitude, attributes, and level of commitment). Who would choose David over Saul to be king? God did, and it was a surprise to David himself (2 Sam 7:18–19). Jesus chose the fishermen over the Pharisees and prophets (1Cor1: 27).God doesn’t make choices the way we do, and he does not see us the way the world does. It's amazing who God chooses! His choices are not attractive, costly, or famous, but they are always the right ones.

God tells Zerubbabel, “I will take you... and make you my signet ring, for I have chosen you.” Haggai 2:23. What was God’s criteria here? Zerubbabel: Endeavoured to bring the children of God out of exile. Encouraged the self-centered people to prioritize building an altar for God (preparing them for purification; Ezra 3:1–6). Engaged the people to build the Temple of God rather than their own houses (to sustain their holy lives; Ezra 3:7-8).

Even today, we need the zeal of Zerubbabel in us to turn people away from sin and towards God and His mission in this nation. God chooses and uses such people to build His kingdom on this earth.

- Mercy Selwyn (Communication Department)


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